Electric Desks
Electric height-adjustable (EHA) desks can be useful in a variety of situations...
- To ease existing back pain by alternating work postures. Sitting, perching or standing.
- For promotion of healthy working initiatives; to avoid musculoskeletal problems in the future
- Hot desking, call centres, desk sharing and shift working environments
- To set appropriate seated height for shorter, or taller, individuals to prevent stooping
- Wheelchair users
- - Facilitate early return to work from sickness absence.
We have listed our more pouplar EHA desks but if you can't find something to suit your, then take a look at some of the different frames and shapes available upon request.
Tracey, Student
You would not believe the difference everything has made to me even in such a short amount of time... To study yesterday with no back pain and without my legs being numb was amazing!
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