DSE Compliance

Do your offices meet DSE Regulations?Display Screen Equipment (DSE) is any work equipment having a screen that displays information. Surveys have found that high proportions of DSE workers report aches, pains or eye discomfort.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations aim to protect the health of people who work with DSE and make these assessments mandatory.

Many small and emerging businesses are still unfamiliar with their obligations as an employer, but Healthy Workstations Ltd have nearly two decades of experience working with a public, private and charitable sector organisations of all sizes across Wales and surrounding areas to ensure you are familiar with your responsibilities.

See also:

HSE Guidance and Regulations on DSE (Display Screen Equipment)


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DSE Needs Assessor
Thank you very much for providing the student with such a beneficial assessment and for sending over the report and quotations. Our client has also provided me with further feedback to say the assessment was a very positive experience for her which is lovely to hear. It is also clear that you have provided the most suitable equipment for her which is excellent as during my assessment she was unsure she would ever find a chair comfortable enough to sit in for any length of time. Thanks again and I look forward to working with you and Healthy Workstations in the future!
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