Advanced DSE Assessor Training Course
A Practical Approach to Problem Solving
This full-day training course will equip you with an effective toolkit to competently manage the evolving risks of Display Screen Equipment (DSE) by increasing your ability to develop ergonomic solutions to common problems.
- Potential Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD’s) - Identify common issues and seek preventative policies at every opportunity
- Workstation Risk Factors and Solutions - Learn practical techniques to improve the immediate, median and long term working environment for the individual - intervene at the early onset of symptoms
- Introduce effective solutions based on knowledge
- Reduce Expense; cost of equipment
- Reduce Absenteeism; cost to the organisation (not just financial)
- Consider Future Needs – Products that can be reused / adapted
- Environmental Factors: Homeworkers, sit-stand culture, agile or multi user workspace, hand held devices.
- Education & Posture Tools – Advising end users of safe working practices (Easy Reach Zones)
- Effective Policies – Reporting & monitoring methods, short term support: Pregnancy, Phased return etc.
What makes our course different?
Our Assessor Plus courses can improve your understanding and confidence in resolving common workstation hazards. Our showroom provides the opportunity to maximise your experience with an extensive range of ergonomic solutions allowing you to compare and assess the effectiveness of product design features. We also invite you to put forward any specific topics that are currently of particular concern so that we can prioritise them during the day’s session. Recent clients found this to be most helpful in establishing an action plan and focusing their resources proactively.
Suitable for:
Existing DSE assessors or those who have already undertaken our basic DSE Assessor course, and wish to enhance their knowledge and pursue advanced solutions.
To arrange this course, please get in touch via any of the options below.
A member of our team will be delighted to discuss your requirements with you.
Alternatively, have a browse of our courses page.
Very helpful and exceptionally thorough in their assessment and professional approach.